1941-1942 Yearbook

Gaining a general knawledge of laboratory methods and the physiology and anatomy of plants and animols is the a im of the majority a f cou rses offe red by the biology department . By frequent hours in the laboratory study ing and dissecting spec imens, the student gains first-hand knowledge of the st ructure of living things. Cyril Abbatt, who heads the depar tment , is c lai med as an alumnus by a handful of universi t ies incl uding Ohio State from which he obta ined his Ph . D. a nd Johns Hopki ns where he did post-graduate wo rk. At present he is testing the nutritional va lue for flies of various suga rs as compared with their taste appeal. He has written for severa l scientific publications, and is at present compiling a dictionary of biological terms. " I once knew a chap" is a cha racteri st ic introduction to one of Dr. Abbott's frequent lecture illustrations. Music, drama, ort , and litera ture claim hi s interest as a connoisseur and also as a participant. S. A. Bell, associate professor of biology, teaches two practical courses-Gene ti cs wh ich covers the fundamental principles of inhe rit ance and Personal Hygiene whi ch is human physiology with emphasis on personal care of health. Prof. Be ll o lso belongs to the Bible Faculty regularly teaching Old Tes tament hi s tory. He has been with the school in every hardsh ip and need for over for ty years. He is a homelover and is frequently seen working about hi s ya rd ond garden.