1941-1942 Yearbook

E. R. Stapleton, efficient Business Administration professor, received his B. A. degree at Harding and M . C. E. at the University of Oklahoma . He also has a diploma in Busi - ness Training from Tyler Commercial College. He is a membe r of Pi Omega Pi , honorary commercial fraternity. Rearing a young son is hi s chief interest . He is very affectionate to him, still he trains him well. His love to paint is shown by a dipl oma in art . A collec tor of Indian reli cs, he has tomahawks, arrowheads, and pa int pa ts. He has a garden, is an admirer of flowers , and raises prize chrysanthemums. Always happy and accommodating , he advoca tes the need of more Christian education in the world. Professor Ernest W . Gibson teaches general cou rses of Economi cs and Finance, Audit - ing, etc . He has really trave ll ed around to get hi s education having received his A. B. at Transylvania, M. A. at Kentucky University, worked on a Ph . D. at Northwestern , and done graduate work at Ohio State, Peabody, Alabama, and Indiana . By teaching a Federal Income Tax course he helps students with the ir future wo rries. He spent a quarter of a century teaching in high schoo ls. Through voluminous readi ng he endeavors to keep pas ted an current history . Mus ic of all sorts is appealing to himespecially light classics and operettas.