To enrich people's lives throug h the s tudy of foreign languages, to develop a better understanding of foreign culture and people, and to improve the knowledge of Eng lish are goal s set by the Language Department . German and French are taught by Dr . Mary McK ittrick who heads the department . A freshman Engli sh class is also under her direc ti on . Fill ed with ambition the accomp li shed Miss McKittri ck concentrates on a new hobby every yea r. Shor thand is the presen t pursu it . Golfing still has the warmest spot in her heart as a spare time ac ti vi ty. Phi Betta Kappa, an honorary scholastic fraternit y, and Sigma Kappa Phi , language fraternity, claim her membership . Because she has travelled extensively in eastern United States and Canada and has read much in a va r iety of fields, she is a fasc ina ti ng conve rsationalist . The colorful language of Spain is taught by Mi ss Fern Holla r. First and second year Spanish, Advanced Conversation and Composition, and a Survey of Modern Prose are offered. Since sophomore days in high school Mi ss Hollar has wanted to do someth ing with Spanish . Her final ambition is to be an interpreter. like Miss McKittrick she delights in swinging a golf club and travelling . She has seen parts of Mexico, Canada , and half the States. Dr . J . N. Armstrong teaches first year Greek. Designed primarily for student preach - ers, it gives a knowledge of the Biblical language he lpful in arriving at the mast correct English translation. Besides teaching Greek, Dr . Armstrong acts as Dean of the Bible. Wolk into his cosy living room any day and you're li kely to find him sea ted before the open fire, writing on hi s lap board.