MAY CALENDAR In the most beautiful ceremony of t he yeor Betty Bergner IS crowned Queen of May. 2- R F. c.'s In a garden party, T. N. T.'s on on outing and the Sinkers at Holly Hollow and you lust about hove it. S- Dramatic Club presents the funny workshop ploy "Chino Boy." 9 10 II 16 ! P. S. From 5-9 s tudent body is getting se t for the great end of schoo l rush. ) GATA's en tertain with ou ting while Ju-Go-Ju' s relax from putting on Ma y Fete wi th a doy ou t-af -doors with dates. Tofebt's and L. c.'s jou rney to Holly Hollow. Chorus sings f or church in Memphis. also broadcasts . Mr. Hofllnger presents hiS final concer t of the year with severol duo-piano numbers. autlng . Brown and way Into the hearts r Shop a t VIRGIL LEWIS' Men's Shop l r JOHN W. SNEED, M. D. .-~ r W H. c.'s hove their los t Stover Sing and fiddle their of their audience at night. A. J . D KLIN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 1 l r _____ J ._I~_A __ 1~r__E_R_S_O ____ ~ ._ Dentist ~--------------------~ READ! THE BISON WEEKLY STUDENT P BLlCATION • HARDING COLLEGE PORTER R. RODGERS, M. D. 19 Final lyceum of yea r presented with combination GirlS' Glee Club and Orchestra Concert. Boy, it was pretty. 21 Los Amigas have fun with a unique party . 22 The 1942 Petit Jean is dedicated to Mr . Kirk as Annde Chambers is revealed as Queen of the Petit Jean. 23- Lambda Sigma's have lost ou ting . (I'm using thi s word last and final too much to SU it me.) President has reception for Seniors, 8 :00 p. m. 25 Seniors give Jun iors a little en te rt ainmen t mo re ways than one . 3 I- Baccalaureate address for '42 Seniors. JUNE CALENDAR 2-3- Final exams to see if they can have a commencement exercise this year. t Ternble way to find out .) 3 Annual hame-coming--ond lots did. 4 Commencement exercises fand as bod as I hate to close It folks, It'S allover-may God bless you.)