APRIL CALENDAR I-The onnuol s toff stopped working- April Fool! 2- Dromotlc Club enjoys "Suspicion" and ice cream and pie of Claudio Pruett 's. Togmo's present "lnformat JOn Please" In chopel. 3- Men's Glee Club makes their recording for Fred Waring in Little Rock. 4- Chorus leaves for Batesvil le on two-day tr ip . S- Holbert starts new system of seating arrangement at church using ushers. 6 - 8us load ott ends Stote Symphony. Bro. Rhodes agOIn pleases body with speec h . 7- Kirk has his regu lar "Chopel Sing." 8 Library ceiling painted and installollon of fluorescent lights as Senior prOlect gets well unde r way. Aren't we bright?- Some pun! 9 Dr . Benson honored by Kiwanis and Young Business Men's Clubs. II - Stote speech fe s t ival here at Searcy and Harding Dramatics entertains with a teo . 12- Charus goes to Li ttle Rock and Bro. Benson begins meeting m Bartlesville, Oklahoma. 13- Flrs t time the 13th hasn ' t been on Fridav in two months. .. '.~~ T" ... Dl·.. ... "K I" S terilized BOllies * P hone 310 Searcy, A r kansas ROBBINS·SANFORD MERCANTILE CO. • L adi es' Dresses and Coa ts L adi es' Shoes Boys ' and Me n's C lo thin g and Shoes J . D. PHILLIPS & SO PA INT WAL LPAPE ll GAS AND ELECTIlIC IlANGES REFR IGERATOIlS IlADIOS Sales and SI',.v;re LIGHTLE & ROYSTO Ge ne r a l In surance Phone J l9 Searcy, Arkansas 1 • 14-Girls' Glee Club sings for garden club in town. Freshman edition of "Bison" comes out. 15- They hobbled in, they were s tdf , It was a record broken o r a sprained ankle. Yes, track and field day! I6-The chorus shows its originality and presents a colorful concert here . 17- Albert Spaulding demonstrates to some Hardingites why he's one of the "seven men" of violm. Juniors entertain Seniors In the Academy With a banquet. 18- Alpha Theta's are ou t early for a sunrise breakfast as Tagma 's enjoy ou t ing to Red Bluff. 21-Violin solos thrill chapel audience th is morning . 22- Hording proves it likes to hear men sing as the glee club, tri a, and Quartet present their annual concert. Radi o closs gives some of the skits they have been wo rking on. 24- Arkansos Collegiate Press Meet held here. 25- Mu Eta Adelphion's spend a spnng doy at Red Bluff. 26-29- Men 's Glee Club would have gone to New York had they won the contest. 28- Tralning school presents a very mteresting program- their operetta. 30- Winston Neal , '41, returns to see 011 the HordIngl tes??? Eh, Frances?