MARCH CALENDAR (Continued) 7- T'was the lost Saturday holiday before finol tests. Enough sold 8 After two hours of rain, It turns to snow and for o few hours Harding glistens in God's diamonds. Searcy Audi torium dedicated tonight. 9- Feotu re pictures mode fo r Pe t it Jean. Bus load ot tends fourth symphony concert. 10- A first role oratorical contest held In chopel. Mrs. Jewell has voice students score one another by presenting them In a reci tal. 1 I- LoIs of annual pictu res taken; Mrs. Cathcart seriously III; Rutherford conduc ts proyer meeting. 12 Why should anyone won t to remember today? It was the doy of final exams! 13 COntinuing to unite education and business, J . L. Lovett , Detroit manufacturer, addresses student body , 14 Regis t ration far spnng fever- I mean spring term . Faith and ye L. c.'s giv' a nifty St. Patrick's banquet; R. F. C's stage a beautiful dinner; and Sub-T's cook steaks by the bonks of the Red lot least It was read today .) Mrs . Ca thcart goes to hospi tal. 15 Extra social period granted, some alumni return and celebrate Mrs. Benson's birthday . 16- Bobby Hawkins, new fresh ie, enralls. Lambda Sigma's turn cannibal on party and eat their dates. (I t was a stag wei ne r roast.) 17 - Mrs. Cathcart seriously ill and special prayer groups are praying for her recovery. 18- Bergner and Cloy tie fo r May Queen in second elec tion, sa we have a third. Some hea r St. Louis Symphony in li tt le Rock at night. 19- Campus reJoices as Mrs. Cathcart apparently posses cnSIS. There is power in prayer! 20- Rutherford taking loads of pictures for sports depa rtmen t . The rest of the stoff doing double duty to get it off. 21 - 1t may be spnng in the calendar, but outSide It'S coat weather . 22- Armslrong speaks on Sunday for first time since his Illness Christmas. Kirk brings c rowd down front via roping off bock seats. 23- Excltlng Monday night meeting on worship. Sub· T's given weiner roast by Sears, Ganus, and Berryhill. 24 Mr. Hollinger presents dual recital-enjoyable 10 audience; ternfying to performers . 25- Falth, you couldn't tell whose dorm It was with the falf lassies swarming al1 over it t rying to pick au l a "good duster." 26- J uniars musically and scrumptious ly entcrtain the Seniors In a wonderful banque t. Thanks, Juniors! 27--General exodus over the week-end. Bus load attends "Blossom Time." 28- There were too few people here for anything to happen . 29- A pretty Sunday, an Inspiring worshlp-can anything be marc Important? 30- AII classes rejoice-they have their picture in the annual and get a day off for SO doing . 31 - Betty and Jim Bill " falsely" accused by a reception as they re turn to campus after missing a train . Inviting ... Friendly ... Comfortable ... HOTEL MAYFAIR alld COFFEE SHOP M. D. SMITH , Munn ge r Searcy, Arkansas CO~lPLlJ\l ENTS OF ICE CREAM Not a Fad . . . But a Food Eat a Dish Every Day SM ITH.VAUGHAN MERCANTILE CO. • Fastest Gt"owing Store 111 White C ounty • ' Ve A pprecial e Your Patronage • SEA RCY. AIlKANSAS J