r r Mutual Insurance Is My Business Any Coverage You ~lay Desit"e Save 20 ', to 25'; NEAL PEEBLES, Agent ! 103 Eas t fhe h Phone 433 TI IE BEST FOR LESS In Young ~ I en's SpOI"t or Dress C lothing and Ladies' Ready. lO· Wear Styled for the Smar t "Iiss >::: ',. fin~~ vo C. PENNC Y (0. 111,. A FlUE 1D RIALTO THEATRE No rth A rlwllsas' Finest Th eatre We Are AI\\ (1)5 Gl:Jd to Co-operate wilh the Fine StudenlS of Il a rd ing Co ll ege Specitl/ /late s for Picture Show Pa.-t ies PLAZA THEATRE j FEBRUARY CALENDAR (Con tinued ) €- Hemingwoy returns for 0 visit. Consequently, he and Annde reach the stone age. 7 SATA's turn pat r iotiC With a colorful banquet a nd the M. E. A.'s abundantly feed th~ir dotes. 8 Sea rs preaches and chorus continues the extra rehearsals. 9 We changed doys. Now we ore up on hour in t ime. Whot next? 10 McMillan mee t ing bearing visible results With two confessions. I I Volleyball tourney sweeps campus. May Queen election todoy. 12 Chorus ready to leave on four-state tou r . Quartet sing s for Home Ec teo . 13 Twen ty-six choristers leave for fun and work In M issisSIppi, Tennessee, ond Louisiana. 14 -Maj ority of girls in Pattie Cobb Hall are recipien ts of Volentine candy. IS McMillon concludes a week's meeting which will live long In the memory and lIves of all listeners. 16- - We follow the chorus trip by means of pic ture pos tca rds. They' re enjoying to the full est ex ten t that lu sc ious sou thern cooking. 17 In terestIng tales reach us concerning Adrtan and Arda th and thei r stay in Charleston, MIssissippi. IS Sam Peeb les a nd Rolph Bell, now navy men, visi t their Alma Mater for a day. 20--Grode sc hoolers were "sho t" for theI r poge In the annual. 2 1- Bubbllng over with accounts of the trip, choriste rs re turn from New Orleans. (Axel spoke to Do ri s.) W. H. C.'s sponsor ta sty country supper , and Tofebts and dotes enjoy lovely banquet. 22- Bell preaches. Lots of camero clickIng thi s afternoon. 23 - "Pos t Road" rehearsal now In full swing again. 24 Everyone re ligiously stack ing th ei r own dishes In the dining hall. 25- Annual group and individual pictures token muchly even If It did snow las t night. 26- Publicity Manager Halbert added to faculty. 27--Ganus' team wins vol leyball championship and Harding College dotes on Fr iday night the fIrst time. Lambda SIgma's give "Doc" Summitt a bIrthday party. A lpha Theta's have banquet at Mayfa ir . 2S- Tagma's toke do tes to theatre par ty. MARCH CALENDAR Bentl ey becomes the fIr st student to preach here on Sunday and he dId a good job. 2 Returning from Spokane, Washington, Pres. Benson speaks in chapel. IReckon he come all the way back just for that ? I 3- " Post Road", a tingling mystery, presen ted a t nIght. Faculty have a big dinner too. 4 Chorus goes to Floyd Hi and fInds them sti ll on old tIme. Some walt . Dykes reads faculty paper In chapel. S- " M" Club has a chili supper with hamburgers for the nan-"chdi-ites." 6-Being a beouttful night, the body of the KOInonia ba tta lion bee-lined It to Bee Rock for a weiner roos t . (Why didn' t you have a Bor -B-Q so it coul d be al l B's?1