L:::K,WAN ,S CLUB r-------------------- t____ J~ ~~:IIl~_OJ_u_~_~_C_Y ___ ___.l B. L. OLIVER I\layo ,- ----- --------- -- r---------- [ llawkins Clinic Hospital Ground Avenue and ~fa l'kel R. W. TOLER Dentist JANUARY CALENDAR (Continued) j 1 .j 24-Ju-Go-Ju's thrill wIth a beautiful snow theme banquet. 25 Prettiest doy of the month. Decker preaches. 26- Annual snaps token in profusion. 27 Student makes $120 gift to student loon fund Chorus members for Louisiana triP announced. 28 -"Too," Pryor, '41, stdl here on a Visit. 29 Co-eds are rampont. Mixed chorus goes to bed 01 10:30 from now on. 30- Mid-term exams. Oh, Un hoopy Day! Student body mOurns with Mr . Ki rk a t the unexpec ted passing of his father. 31 School ge ts set to go to school on Mondays instead of Saturdays s tarting Monday. FEBRUARY CALENDAR - A r mstrong ot churc h , Kirk back, and Bell preaches. 2- Amid throngs of g roons Ha rd ing spends its fi rst Monday m school. 3 (Is this Tuesday or Wednesday~the change has me bumfuzz led. ) Bus lood attends third Arkansas Symphony Concert. Volleyball tourney star ts. 4 -George Reagan, high school boy, speaks in prayer meetmg. It's cooler. Benson here for chapel 5 Men's Glee Club sings at Kiwanis Club and then gives concer t at Hickory Ridge at nigh t. (Opened the Inn when they got bock and hod a feast . ) JAMES L. FIGG Optometrist GRAFTON THOMAS Circu it C let"k and Recordet- '"'----- YINGLING & YI GLI G Atto rneys -at- Law SAM J. ALBRICHT, ~. D.] r-----·--- CUL L. PEARCE Attorney-a t- Law [ G. O. YTNGLI G P ostmaste r - ---------' FLOYD E. BRADBERRY County and P"obate C lerk ELBERT W. PRICE Attorney r BARNEY HARTSELL Tax C o llector