DECEMBER CALENDAR (Contlnuedl 8 Regist ration for win te r term- s td l confronted by the problem of what to pu t in thot multiplicity of blanks. 9 Bus loods attends second symphony concert. 10- Coldes t wea ther doesn't s top the s t ud~n t s from laking the long wolk to proyer meeting. 1 I Everything preparing for public presentation. gramma r school, mixed chorus, orchest ra, glee clubs, dramatic club, land girls' foc~sl. 12 Nice c rowd laug hs at " Kempic." 13 The last Satu rday date night o f the year. 14 Mixed chorus gives twilight conce rt of Christmas co rals with Sears reading the ChriSlmos Story . Wonderful meal too. 15 D,n,ng hall taking on Christmas ai r with condles, mistletoe and all thai goes with mistletoe? 16- Intromural basketball beginS. Klddles present a wonderful progrom in oudltor ium. 17 Glee clubs go caroll ing over Sea rcy and 011 eves are beginning to be homeward t urned. 18- Goodbye 'till next year as a majority leave. 19 (How would 1 know what happened 1 was In Ihe mOlarity tha t left.) JANUARY CALENDAR 6 - The vaca tion is aver- but not fo r some d ue to extremely tardy trai n s. 7 -Mercury went 10 sleep and fell eleven degrees below zero before awakening. 8 Snow, snow everywhere; but no t a drop un - th rown. Five inches o f it . 9 Juniors conquer Seniors by a two-point margon as Frosh girls p rove their ability ove r Senior lass,es. 10- Sub·T's have hot dog and chil i suppe r In ex· tremely "chilly" weather. lIBra. Rhodes proves himself still the orator and scholar as he delivers his sermon to t he student body th is yea r 12- Ed Craddock , visiting evangelist, inspires studen t body With "The Challenge to the Church . " 13 Kirk goes to hospital due to SIX days of hlc· cuplng; Armstro ng is ill and absent 14 J uniors ccntlnue their ama zing s tring of consecutive vic tOries by defea t of Sophomores. 15· Kirk s tops hiccuping. 16-Alpha Psi Omega sends four bids. Freshmen down Seniors In fa s tes t game o f the yea r . 17- It's Saturday night date n ig ht again. ( Is tha t Impo rtan t to you?) 18- Kirk Ou t . Benson preaches. 19 2021 22 23 SpeCial prayer se rvices allover the campu s as Bro . Armstrong submit s to operation. Camero Club orQoni zes with Mclnteer, Ruther. ford , and Formby as officers. NOVices continue to give excellent lessons a t p rayer meeting Dramatic Club invited to party a t Lucille Pol. lett ' s. Pres. Benson makes one o f his rare ap - pearances In chapel. Basketball, yelling and hoarseness in logical orde r . Chorus sings to litt le Rock Chamber of Commerce. r;O-;~~-HAPPY M~r~~:>R [ - ~;- 1 J ACK HARRI SON AGENT --------- - <------ - --------- -------- * Compliments 01 SELlG COMPA Y A tl a nt a, Georgia * r------------ --------- \ SCOTT-MAYER COMMlSSIO COMPANY • Who lesa le .-s o f F ine Foods • E xclHs ive Distrihut ors HART, PRATT-LOW & LIBBY Hi gh G r a de Ca nne d Goods ORRIS FLOUR Very F ines t G r ade • LITT LE ROCK, ARKA SAS \ ! ________________________J