An experienced teache r, Dr. W. K. Summit t , head of the Depar tmen t of Educa ti on as well as regist rar , came to Ha rding in 1933. He dropped teachi ng duties here for two years to direct educa tion in a C. C. C. camp. He is likeable olthaugh he believes in hard work-gives hard tes ts. Almos t every spo re moment he con be seen with his shrubb2ry, garden, or chi ckens. Ve ry op timi stic a bout world conditions, he thinks the U. S. A. is a grand place despite trouble now and then, a nd advocates more s traight thinking . Since 1924 Mrs . Florence M. Cathcart, dea n of women and professor of primary education has been part of Hard ing. Only since ' 38 has she been matron of Patti e Cob" Hall, but always she has had a deep love for chi ld ren and has worked with them. Every spring you wil l find Mrs . Cathc:Jrt amidst the roses in the campus garden . A charte r member of the Campus Pla ye rs, she has portrayed seve ral ro les. Music is a jOj to her and she has belonged to several choruses. L. E. Pryor, professor o f history, soc ial scie nce, and geography, spends his leisur e time in form ing and stock ra ising . According 10 government inspection , he has some of the best soy beans in the country. He went back to hi s Alma Ma te r to teach and has been teaching and preaching ever si nce. When yO:..J pass h is examina t ions, you know that cou rse th oroughly. C,urchill is to him an outs tandi ng man . Above all, Professor Pryor is a Chris - tian gentlcm:m , who pu ts God first.