1941-1942 Yearbook

Y ou Dri,,1i Thi s al Y o"r Il 1 eals ... ill )" o llr School TH AN K S SAN ITARY MARKET A . K. Fo rrest A J'J'H EC IAT ES YOUH HUS INESS SPEC IALIZ ES IN FANCY ~ I EATS Phone 196· 197 Sea rcy, Arka nsas G CO. 1 Found ed 1899 by .I . .I . Haugh WIl IT E COUNTY WEEKLY DA ILY C ITI Z EN Arkansas C IT IZEN PUBLlSf-lI Senrc), H EADLEE DRUG COMPANY • Prescriptio ns • D,·ugs • T o il e t Articles • Sodas • Sa ndwiches P hone 290 " IVhe re th e Coll ege Stude nt s Galh er" , OCTOBER CALENDAR t Cont inued I 19-Gospel s tdl strikes in the hearts of those who'll listen. Benson preaches and three respond. 20- School sympathizes with Mrs. Cathcart because of her sister's passing. 21 Perfect football weather--and a good game today incidentally. 22- Someone said it was mid· term and the teachers are toklng it serious. 23 - Stewort, Missou ri-Pacific representative , speaks in Chapel and shows a film. 24 - Brather Hall, Nashville, Tennessee, preaches here at night. Tests are in full sway. 25 · -Gato's convert " the sweetest girls In the world " to ugly vagabonds via Tramp Party . 26- Church crowds reduced today due either to people gOing home or being disabled by tests . 21- Clubs In a whirl as it is the day before bids go out. 28- Pledge week begins. (Suckers . I Choristers remember for firs t time to pronounce "beauti fu l" correctly. 29 Antics of the pledges goaded by their slave drivers toke the spotlight. 30- Dr . Benson speaks over notional hookup. Ark - ansas Club ha s theatre party. 31 - 0klahoma Club routs out all the spooks on the campus via a Hallowe'en Party. (I'm st ili shaking -and I ain't cold.) NOVEMB ER CALENDAR Kirk conducts old fashi oned Communi ty Sing In Chapel 2- lmpetuous sun chases away initiol encroachment of King Winter and campus basks In worm sunshine as Brother Hughes preaches on "Peter" and" Judas." 3- Kolnonia 's " ford" to Petit Jeon as Sub-T' s bounce to Cochron 's Bluff for foil ou ting . 4- IEdltor's note : This is what Calendar Editor Jim Billy wrote so it hod to be printed.) " The only thing I could remember happening today was my folks coming." 5 H. N. Rutherford speaks on "Power of Prayer" at prayer meeting . 6- Quortet makes Initial appearance. Recompense --angel food coke. 7-Mixed Chorus hos first sectional rehearsal. 8--Gi rls ' social clubs have official initiations-some formal, some relaxed. 9-Pryor preaches . IO-Early to bed, early to rise (4:30 a. m.), makes a lovely PetIt Jean ou ting, soy Tagma 's and Lambda Sigma's. 11--Orchestra under baton of Lao s gIves Inltlol lyceum.