1941-1942 Yearbook

ALLEN'S QUALITY BAKERY SEA RC Y. ARKANSAS THE PASTRY A D SPEC1ALTY SHOP "Where Baked Goods Are Fnrnish ed For All Kinds 0/ Entertainment" Come I n and Sec Us OCTOBER CALENDAR ROlned again. Kansas Club attempts organizmg . 2- Flogolo's go daffy with taffy-pull. Hordlngites make screen debut via college film. 3 Dr . Hugh McGill becomes a faVOrite speaker as hiS " Future of American Enterprise " is well received. 4 A bunch of Godden Hall guys didn't "godden " up this mornmg because of eotlng Swong's cocoanut cake lost night. S Quartet tryou ts. 6- Texans return from outing and try to bring the sun with th em in their red faces. Spli t Monday Night Meetmg . 7 Foil clothes and thi s warm weather just ain't congruen t . 8 TriO and Quartet announced. Bison come ou t ~ 9 Four- reel trovel picture shown at night. Still' haVing this heavy dew of about two Inches. 10- Dramotic Club has Initial open house and presen ts one oct ploy "The Winner." 11 -"Mit Club frys s teak at the golf links. Ju -GoJu 's render "My Cousin fr om Sweden" In Chapel 12- Firs t cool day. Sears and Croom divide the pulpit. 13 Saphs and Frosh have closs ou t ing. Some stumble off Red Bluff . 14 Annual pho tos begin to be token. (Two days latcr-"grumbllnglt on the front.) 15 Now It's worm . Two hours la te r, cold. Good crowd at prayer meeting regardless. 16- Hot tamale supper given to all girls by joint effort of L. c.'s and Mu Eta Adelphians. 17-Lombda Sigma's have por t ions of their initia - tion. Touch football played in the rain, and how do you feel? 18- Ju-Go-Ju's wave mogic wand- the gym's a barn and the girls country lassies for the Barnyard Frolic. CALUMET TEA AND COFFEE COMPANY • 409-11 West Huron St,-eet Chicago, Illin ois L et's Get Acquainted! Come and See Us! • J_ R_ KELLEY STAVE & HEADING COMPANY STERLING'S Sc to $ 1.00 Store * " '''h ere Prices R each Th eir Lowest L evel" * Pay Less (or Better Quality