Compliments of WAKENIGHT HOSPITAL Modern Equipment ... Bome·l ,ikc Atmosphere Efficient Service ~ I ake Your Store CROOK'S DRUG STORE HEXALL DR UGS * Hie HI elcome You * Phone 500 Searcy, Arkansas BEST WISHES from WlllTE COUNTY WATER COMPANY --~---.-~------- WOOD· FREEMAN LUMBER COMPANY SEA HC Y. AHKANSAS • P hone 344 " Th e Good Lumber Nnmbe!·" CALEN DAR * SEPTEMBER CALENDAR is-Students renew acquaintances with compus, regIstration blanks, and IT Ihe or she). I6--Ye aide bus makes its first non-stop iaun t to Kensett and s tuden ts hear Brother Dickinson. 17- Freshmen finish I. Q. test; uppe rclassmen gel therr P. Q. (physicol Quota) v,o physical exams. 18-Offlciol opening, beginning, Inltlol Chopel. Girls In their "fmery", but boys fall to follow suit. 19- Mixed chorus chalks up 103 on the roll as Dramatic Club gets off with a bong . 20-Everyone (who has started studying I feels the effects of yesterday's assignments for the first time. Juniors and Seniors fill vacant ranks In the administrative offices. 21 - Bensons have open house and W. H. C.'s have open teo pot. 22-Seniors have first outing highlighted by the plateless meal, slaying of a snoke, and boys taking a swim with clothes as bathing suits. 23 - Dlsappolntment- t-rst Bison fails to came aut and Chapel seats assigned--ony connectian???~? 24- Everything settles down -students to work , teachers to giving it out, and rain takes care of the dust. 2S- "M" Club organizes with Healy's ( 2) and McInteer 26- Neophytes get first experience on Harding stage as Dramatic Club has Initiations. 27 - Coleman elected Frosh President as Juniors sing, "HI, Ho, Hi, Ho, It's off to Doniphan We Go! " 28-Old students are reassured and the new ones have it proven to them that Brother Armstrong is stili the grand old man of the Bible schools by his two wonderful sermons today. 29-Equestrians take a sunrise lag and cook breakfast ou t of doors. 3D- The fir" Bison comes aut with new editor, new makeup and type, and new jokes.