Carmen Pri ce Hazel Jean Bingham Basketball and Swimming BACK ROW: Geraldine Richards, Ruby Jean Wesson, Hozel Jean Bingham, Theda Robins. FRONT ROW: Carmen Pnce, Alberta Garrett, Monlme Richards. The first freshman team, undefeated in eight games easily captured the basketball title of the season. Being supe ri or to all other teams, they were classed as on All-Star team. Carmen Price was the leading forward and Hazel Jean Bingham, the leading guard . Another sport of outstonding popularity was swimmi ng . Besides having open swimmi ng hours, classes were offered throughout the year for begin - ners, swimmers, and life-savers. An intramural sw imming meet was the lost major activity for the girls. It offered much competition and interest to all. A team composed of Olive Fogg , Louise Nicholas, Iris Merritt, Lillian Jen - nings and Carmen Price won over the others by a total of 4S to 39. Miss Williamson teaches her students a thing or twelve about swimming.