Soft Ball and Archery BACK ROW : Sue Burfo rd, Ma n ly n Tho rnton , Frances W a tson, Mildred Knowles, Shirley Vaughan, Ruby Jean W esson . FRONT ROW : Cla ro Bell Duncan, Loui se Nl cho la s, Es ther Brown , Jewel Dean Ha rdi e . Ruby Jean Wesson Hazen Jean Bi ngham Ido Mae Sme thers Normondo Webb Jean Berryhill Carmen Price Gene Nicholas Theda Robins Mabel Fo rd Ruby Jean Wesson Ha zel Jean Bingham Here comes a strike! The Tigers were champs in intramural softball this season with a total of 95 runs . Fifty-five girls entered the sport and competition was great throughout all five games. Ruby Jean Wesson was the outstanding pitcher , and Hazel Jean Bingham was the leading batter for the season with an average af .780. Much interest was created by archery, which offered a varied sport far both boys and girls, especially in it s " roves." Four of the outstanding archers , aim at the target . watch the bull 's eye . (' oude Rich:l rdson DOris Healy Richard Chond:er Robert o W olden