The Fresh man team won the basketball championship by going through the season undefeated and unchal lenged. R. Lawyer, J. McLaughlin , N . Watson , J. Croom, A. Edwards, R. Anthony, B. Langston, D. Lawyer, C. Richardson, and L. Wil - Iiomson composed the team. The All-Star team was consisted of Edwards , McLaughlin, M. Miller , Q. Gateley, J . B. Mclnteer , F. Mason and R. Lawyer . The high point men were McLoughlin with 69 points, Mclnteer with 64, and Miller with 58. INSTRUCTIONS SMITH FOLLOWS Cross Country THEY'RE OFF! SILHOUETTES Basketball CHAMPIONSHIP ALL-STAR LEADING SCORERS LAWYER HURDLES THE WINNERS Cross country had its initiol season in the intra· mural program this yeor and judging from its success it will be on annual affair. The first five places went to R. Lawyer , R. Smith, D. Harrison, N. Lamb and R. Chandler. The course was a little over two miles, through meadows and over creeks . The winner, Raymond Lawyer, was clocked at 11 minutes and 55 seconds.