The Red Sox composed of J . Whittemore, J . McLaughlin , D. Lawyer , E. Smith , L. Tandy, L. Green, e. Richardson , R. An - thony, ond R. Lawyer walked oway with the championship after three weeks of keen competition. The All -Star team was made up of Whittemore , Sands, E. Smith , e. Gonus , E. Salners, Green, Tandy, E. Stover, B. Dykes and D. Dobbins. The three heaviest hitters were Stover who batted .533 , Solners, .500 and Whittemore .476. Football CHAMP IONSH IP MOST VALUABLE ALL -STAR ALL -STAR Softball CHAMPIONSH IP LEAD ING BATTERS The Packards pushed themselves into the champi onship by swamping all competing teams, going through the sea son unde - feoted . The team was composed of R. Chandler, R. Smi th , A. Swang , e. Ganus, R. Jenn ing s, E. Smi th, M. Murphy and J . Whittemore. The All -Star team wos composed of J . Sands, R. Smith, G. Tipps, E. Smit:' , J . Etheridge, L. Tandy, C. Richardson, C. Ganus and L. Green . The three most valuable players were voted to be L. Tandy, C. Ganus and L. Green .