COACH M. E. BERRYHILL Dedication Since Pearl Harbor, America has awak - ened more fully to the importance of proper physical exercise for moulding healthful bod - ies. An appeal was sent to all the schools throughout the land urging them to co-oper - ate in on extensive health program being initiated by the government . In looking over our own intramural activities, Coach M . E. Berryhill proudly announced that we were for ahead of the standards set forth by the government . During the first six months of this school year, Harding men spent approximately 4,150 term hours participating in intramural sports, and over 85% of the men students alone took part in at least one activity. 1 f one man was responsible for this ou tstanding record, that one man is M. E. Berryhill, coach and head of the physical education department of Harding College. After graduating from Harding with a B. A. degree in 1934, he received his M . A. degree from George Peabody College in 1937 . That some year he left his position at David lipscomb College of Nashville, Tennessee and come bock to Harding , taking over the Physical Education Deportment . Granted a leave of absence lost year, he completed resident work toward his Ph . D. degree at Peabody . " Pinky", as he is intimately called, returned to Harding in the fall and continued with more ambition and zeal than ever to make his deportment the best of its kind in the State . He added cross country, golf , archery roves, and track and field to his already extensive intramural program. For all these reasons and many more, we si ncerely dedica te the sports section of this 1942 Petit Jean to Coach M. E. Berryhill, on admirable personality. GYMNASIUM