PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE To the Harding Students of 1942 : Congratulations on your having made this one of the very best years Harding College has yet experienced. Your unusual seriousness, your exce ll ent conduct, you r studious habits, and your cordia l co-operation have mode you on outstanding student body, and will ever be remembered to you r credit. The excellent and successful manner in wh ich you have responded to the cha ll enge of self government in both dormi to ri es will likewise remain a permanent tribute to your self-control and to your Christian cha racter. These f ine qualities of Christian characte r on the port of its youth constitute the greatest asset of ony nation. May God bless each of you with the necessary faith and courage to remain true to the ideals of the Master during this most criti cal period in the history of our nation, and during this most terrible of all wa rs known to civilization. Sincere ly, GEORGE S. BENSON Demond for Dr. Benson as a public speaker has kept him much away from Harding College this year. At the opening of the spring term he selec ted a helper to assume some of his duties on the compus and off. Mr. Ho lbert come from New York City where he hod worked chiefly with business magazines in the petroleum and automotive indust ri es. WARD K. HALBERT Assistant to the President Ruby Ja McGehee lived in Sherman, Texas until Sep tember 18, 1936, when she married Edwin M. Hughes, a Harding College senior, and returned with him to school. A stenographer capable of seven ty-five letters 0 doy of business correspondence whi Ie cheerfully answering the telephone and meeting callers, she was needed in the president's office. This work, along with a college course and keeping house, finally become burdensome ond she abandoned her academic pursuits 10 enloy her full-time office work. MRS. EDWIN M. HUGHES The President's Secretary