Dr . W. K. Summitt , Jim Bill Mclnteer, Leonard Kirk, Ann French . Peggy Holbrook, Don Healy, Rubye Anderson, Gearge Reagan. Clin ton Rutherford , Esther Morie Cl oy, Terrell Cloy, Roberto Walden . Edith Johnson, Jock Nadeau, Alberto Lynch, Harold Kohler, Ir is M erri lt , Dean Lawyer, Richard Chandler. Virg il Lawyer, Sol li e Whit eside, Arthur M oody, Ardath Brown , Vernon Lawyer , Charline Fore - man, Raymond Lawyer . M issouri , one of the best represented sta tes in the " M" Club is popularly known as the "Show-Me Sta te ." It s production of lea d is the nation 's greatest and in manufactur - ing and mechani cal pursuits it leads all the s~ate s west of the Mi ss issippi , California ex - cep ted. Because it is in the midst of a hog rai sing area, meat pocking is its ch ief indus - try. Corn cob pipes are almost exclusively m Jde in Mi ssouri. Mississ ipp i, the " Magnolia State ," reta ins more of the south of plantation days tha n any other region . Here , sca ttered ove r the countryside, are the picturesque colonial man - sions of the an te-be llum era . Agriculture is s till the leadi ng industry and cotton the lead - ing crop. Lumbering is a d~veloping enterprise with turpentine and resi n as valuable byproducts. The Mi ss issippi State Capitol at Jackson is pictured above. Tennessee is known as the "Vol unteer State" because of i ts rema rkable record in furnishing voluntee rs for the Civil War . As on all-'round crop -producing state, Tennessee claims to be unexcelled by any other region in the United States in the variety, profusion, cha rac ter , and quality of its products. M ore visitors viewed the wonders of Great ,moky Mounta in National Park last yea r than saw any o the r national park .