1941-1942 Yearbook

Louis Green, Mary McCullough, John Dillingham, Marie Chunn . Geneva Adkins, Wayne Hemingway, Anno Higgins, Douglass Gunselman Leon Manley, Coy Porter, Dale Larsen , Bonnie Sue Chandler. Billy Anthony, Bertha Smith, Ernest Salners, Mrs . Gussie Eubank, Ernest Porter, Faith Porter . Weldon Cosey. Loui se Medlm, Will Daniel , Dori s Heoly, laVern Houtz , Lou ise Covey , Shelton Ruebush, Dorothy Boker . "Originally the " M" Club included only those from an " M" or "N" s tate. However , it has developed into a " Miscellaneous" Club during the last twa years. The present membership represents Mi ssouri , Mississippi , Michigan, Nebraska, New York, New Mexico, Kentucky, Tennessee, Colorado, California, and Indiana . Don Healy as this year's president directed activities with the assistance of Jim Bill Mclnteer, vice-president, and Doris Healy, secretary-treasurer . A steak fr y at the golf course was given in the fall , a chili supper In the boys' reception room in the winter, and a weiner roast outdoors in the spring . The peaceful scene above is , of course, typical of the "bl ue grass" region of Kentucky where the thoroughbred Kentucky horse with its world-wide reputation for speed is rai sed. Indian carn is the State's leading agricultural product with tobacco ranking second.