Hol l ie Gonn , Buddy Vaughan, Shirley Vaughan, Cl ifton Ganus, Mildred Knowles. Poul Herndon, Iris Herndon, Joe M cLoughlm, A nnde Chambers, Axel Swango Miri am M cReynolds, Leonard M cReynolds, Lois M cReynolds, Ada ir Chapman, M orvolene Chambers. Tu ron M cR ight , A lberto Garrett , Esther Brown , Mi ldred Gomer, Duron Hag ler, Evelyn King, Prof . N . B. Cope, Sponsor. " Flagala" combines the names of four States in it- Florida , Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana . Two of this number-Alabama and Louisiana are represented in the club this year . A taffy pull was enjoyed during the fall and a hamburger supper in the spring . Clifton Ganus headed the group as president , and Hollie Gann was secretary-treasurer . The delicately wrought iron balcony from which the picture above was taken belongs to the ancient Patalbo Apartments. SI. Louis Cathedral with its two towers, seen in the picture, overlooks Jackson Square in the heart of the French quarter o f New Orleans . Louisiana was named by its first settlers, the French , in honor of their king , Loui s XIV. La Salle first laid claim to the territory for the French in 1682. The " Pe lican State" is divided into parishes rather than counties which date from 1807 and are based on an early Spanish division for religious purposes. Descendants of the French exiles from Aca - dia in 1765 live today in the glamor thrown over the land and people by Longfellow's " Evangel ine ." Alabama known as the " Cotton State" because of its chief agricultural product is ropidly becoming a manufacturing state . The chi ef features of its industrial life are iron and bituminous coal. Steel is its most extensive manufacture on account of the proximity of iron, cool , and limestone. Birmingham is surpassed as a world pig iran center only by Glasgow, Scotland and Middlesbrough , England . The cement industry is making rapid strides due to the presence of almost limitless deposits of limestone in the midst of coal fields .