1941-1942 Yearbook

N . B. Cope, Sponsor; Adrian Formby. Joe Whittemore, Claude Richardson. James McCorkle, Kay Covin , Les ter Williamson, Kay Covin, Adai r Chapman , Vi rg il Bentley. Jim Lacy, Dean Lawye r, Joe McLaughhn, Neal Watson , Buddy Langston, Richard Chandler. The T. N. T. Club spent the day at the " Old Mill " for their fall outing. The mill IS a part of the La kewood section jus t north and east of Littl e Rock. In the evening they went to the theater in Little Rock . Caffee and doughnuts and a good picture formed the main part of their winter function and in the spring the group journeyed to Red Bluff. Almost everyone except the campus committee was sad when th e T. N. T . mascot, Dynamite, had to be sold. The boys bough t Dynamite, a little kid, that is a goat, fully intending to hove a barbecue but after keeping him a few months they could not kill him Hi s love for chewing ropes in two and then chewing hedges mode it necessary to se ll him When members leave the club they are honored by a warm send -off in good style. The office rs of the club for the year were president , Joe Whittemore; vice-president, Virgil Bentley, and sec retary-treasurer, Richard Chandler. The T . N. T. Club originated in 1933, abbreviating into its name the highes t of ideals