LouiS Green, Ernest Salners, Wayne Hemingway. Keith Coleman, Thednel Garner, George Tipps. Jack Nadeau, Arthur Moody, Emmett Smith , Lamar Plunket, Henry EWing, Earnest Mitchell, Edward Shewmaker. Will Daniel, Rober t Gordon, Joe Woo ton, D. C. Lawrence, Harold Kohler , Raymond Lawyer, Douglass Gunselmon. nor high water cauld keep the Lambda Sigmas from going to Petit Jean. In spite af the fact that the river was up and working at the levee the anly trouble they en - countered was a detour. The bus did nat even break down so one of the Lambda Sigma traditions was broken . Thi s organization, started in 1936 has more bus breakdowns to its credit than any other club. The birthday af their sponsor, Dr . Summitt, offered a good excuse far a party in the winter term. And the group again went on an outing for their spring function . One of the interesting traditions of the Lambda Sigmas is an all -night fi shing trip the bays take in the spring if the water and weather get right . The lakes and rivers near Searcy make it an ideal loca ti on for thi s type of sport. Arthur Moody, president , Louis Green, vice-president, and Henry Ewing , now in the U. S. Army, secretary, were the officers for the Lambda Sigmas . The Lambda Sigmas hod two projects this year. They put one of the fans in the auditorium and made a substantial gift ta the Student Loan Fund .