1941-1942 Yearbook

Moune lle Bearden , Ann French . Wanda Luttrel' , LOui se Moore . Geneva Adk ins, A lberto Lynch , Hazel Jean Bingham, Maqorie Word, Miss Fern Hol lar, Sponsor; Juanita Lanier . Founded in 1927, the third oldest girls' club, the L. c.'s (Spanish for "the companions") have a wealth of tradition and idealism in their background . "To create a close band of friendship among the students, to stimulate social activities, and to bring its members to a greater appreciation of the real values of life" are the expressed aims of the club. With only two old members returned to build the club, it has been small in number but a source of much enjoyment to its members. Wanda Luttrell served a s president all year, Geneva Adkins as vice-president , Alberta Lynch , secretary- treasurer, and Mi ss Fern Hollar , sponsor . A hot tamale supper was given in collaboration with the M. E. A. ' s for all girl students and women faculty members in the fall. The new members were entertained at the Mayfair and later in the term an old-fashioned taffy pull was held . St . Patrick ' s Day decorations were used at the winter banquet at the Rendezvous . An outing to Holly Hollow was the order of the day in April. With the terribleness of war as the theme, the L. C.' s presented a Chapel program in the spring . Their aim was to arouse a feeling of dependence on Gad . Carrying out the club colors, maroon a~d white, the club jackets are of white satin with maroon satin sleeves and the club shield in maroon an the back .