Eve lyn Bo lton, Frances Welch, Lois Wilson. Ma ry Brown, Mrs. Edwin Hughes, Sponsor; Virgi ni a Stott s. Marga re t Jane She rr ill, Dorothy Brown , Mory Etta Langs ton, Martha Hi se r, Claudia Prue tt , Wondo Lee Trowick. On September 25, 1939, the Las Amigas Club was farmed to fill the need of the town s tudents for a social club with Mary Adams, Lois Wilson, Mildred Dawson, Frances Welch and Wanda Hartsell as charter members . The membership this year has totaled eleven . Mrs . Edwin Hughes was chasen sponsor when the club was first organized and s till sponsors the cl ub. Frances Welch has worked as president this year , Dorothy Brown as secretary-treasurer , and Mary Brown as reporter . To help promote the high social ideals of Harding College and to aid in es tablishing a feeling of friendliness between day students and Harding College are the purposes of the club . In the fall term the club enj oyed a theatre party at the Rialto Theatre with refreshments afterwards at Headlee 's Drug Store. On February 12th the club celebrated lincoln 's birthday with a dinner at the Mayfair Hotel.