Louise Nicholas, M rs. 5. A . Bell, Sponsor; Frances Williamson. Janey Rosson, M arj orie M eeks, Tommie Jo Fly. Ai leen Hogan, M ari e Thatcher, Imogene Nicholas, Johnn ie Anderson, Esther Brown , Frances Wa tson, M ildred Knowles. Shirley Vaughan, Ceci l Laos, Jeon Be rryhill, Btondel' Webb, Peggy Halbrook, Louise Covey, Charli ne Foreman. Organized on October 7 , 1926, the oldest girls ' club, the W. H. C.'s are named in hono r of Mrs. J . N. Armstrang , the Woodson Harding Comrades. Through the years the W . H . C.'s have been very active in a number of projects and enterta inments. Thi s foil they entertained with the tradit ional afte rnoon tea in the home economi cs dining room. A banquet at the Mayfair and theatre party were given in the fal l. Thei r annua l country supper was held at Dr. Rodgers' cob in in Georgetown , during the winter, For their projec t the W. H. C.' s contributed to the Student Loan Fund . During the first term Frances Williamson wa s president , Marj orie Meeks, vice -presi dent , Loui se Nich - olas, secretary, and Blondell Webb, reporter . The second term new off icers were e lected as fall ows: Loui se Nicholas , president , Frances Williamson , vice -president , Pegg y Hal - brook , secretary, and Johnnie Ande rson , reporter . Club jackets of eme ra ld green satin with a four leaf clover on the backs a dd much color .