1941-1942 Yearbook

Enid Co lemon, Ermyl McFadden , Mrs. E. R. Staple ton, Sponsor. Berni ce Curti s, Mildred Roya l, Gretchen Hil l. Normando Webb, Ethel Turner , Max ine Robe rt s, Mono Belle Campbell, Co ra Blue , Ruth Bradley. Alberto Ga rre tt , Kansas Nell Webb , Zu lema lilli e, Rubye Anderson, Metta De an Smith , Mabe l Helm . Filling the need of social activity for the Gray Gables girls and same in town is the Alpha Theta Club. Being a comparatively new club, organized in 1939, five charter members are still in the graup-Ermyl McFadden , Gretchen Hill , Ruth Bradley, Zulema Little, and Enid Coleman . Service, sincerity and simplicity-these three meaningful words sum up the ambitions of the Alpha The ta 's. Blue and gold are their colors. The Alpha Theta ' s were hos tesses to the rest of the girl students and faculty members at a twilight weiner roast . Washington ' s birthday, and also the birthday of their sponsor , Mrs. Stapleton , were celebrated with a banquet during the winter. A sunrise break - fast at the golf course was their spring function . Presidents for the three terms were Ermyl McFadden, Kansas Nell Webb , and Cora Blue . Vice-presidents were Cora Blue, Rubye Anderson, and Mildred Royal . Secretaries were Zulema Little, Mildred Royal, and Ruth Bradley. Treasurers were Ruth Bradley, Metta Dean Smith, and Kansas Nell Webb.