1941-1942 Yearbook

Mabel Groce Turnage, El sie M ae Hopper, Sponsor. Geraldine Richards, Sa llie Wh i tes ide . Holl ie Gonn , El oise Reese, Marguerite Q'Boni on, Mory Blonche Jack son, Jo M a rie Jomi son, Ed ith Johnson. Brooksie Wingfield, M ontine Richords, Louise M edl in, Dorcas Deane W es tbrook, Erin M oe Denn ington, Dorothy Welch . The bright red corduroy jackets of the Tofebt girls have brightened our campus for the los t two years . The diamond -shaped club shield is seen on the sleeves of the jackets and " Harding " in white felt stretches across the bocks. Mi ss Elsie Moe Hopper has been sponsor of the club since its founding in 1939. Mabel Grace Turnage was president , Erin Mae Dennington, vice·president , and Eloise Reese , secretary-treasurer in the spring term. A clever " ghost " party which was complete with eerie spine-chilling atmosphere was given by the Tofebts for all the other girls. Dinner at the Rendezvous followed by a thea - tre party was enjoyed in the fall . A patriotic banquet at the Mayfair, also followed by a theatre party was given during the winter and on outing to Holly Hollow in the spring . Pressing irons for use in the kitchenette of Pattie Cobb Hall was the Tofebt's wel - comed gift to the co ll ege .