Gone Are the Days ••• At Morrilton, '32, E. R. Staple ton played host to Neil B. Cope, Rheba Stout and Flossie Harwell and o ther friends. Four years la ter Mr. and Mrs. Stap leton admi red goldfish in Littl e Rock. George S. Benson, sophomore in 1923, and his colleague were winners in debote. In 1917 Ermine Houchens was in Oklahoma while O. M. Colemon, a business college student dreamed of her as he so t In the park a t Quincy, 11 1. No t the derby bu t the rots thot he was about to bury for Kern and Jock Wood caused thot expression on Brother Armstrong's face. Really th is pic ture of Brother Rhodes was mode at Morrilton, not yesterday. Rheba Stout a nd Ervin Be rryh ill hod reserved sea ts 0 1 the rock a quarium in '34, bu t Flossie Harwell and Neil B. Cope s trolled ove r the campus to talk of music, birds, and a th er things A trifle like today, Brother Armstrong, with no cuffs on those trousers. But you r dress, Sister Armstrong there is real ly quite a di ff erence in the hemlines of '23 and '42. Mr. a nd Mrs. J . L. Dykes strol l in western Okla homa in '35. An interesting young college professor, W. K. Summi tt , single and with a car (befo re he met hi s one and only o r hod a Ph . D. l. Miss Rhodes, were you going to 0 pa rty o r was that your Sunday best?