1941-1942 Yearbook

Marian Myer, Dorothy O'Neal. Esther Marie Clay, Anna Higgin s. Jane Snow, Belly Johnson, Christine Neal, Dolene Hebberd, Bonnie Lee Williams, Mrs. John Lee Dykes, Sponsor. Mary McCullough, Dorothy Baker, Lillian Jennings, Soroh Beth Brown, Evelyn King. Four years ago several girls from all the existing clubs seeing the need of on additional club bonded together and founded the G. A. T. A. Club. Originality and talent has marked thi s club and its members seem always to be brimming over with fun and enthusiasm. Mrs. J . L. Dykes has sponsored this club since its beginning and this yea r Es ther Marie Clay was president, Betty Johnsan , vice-president, and Mary McCull ough , sec retorytreasurer. A tramp party was given in honor of all new girl students at the first of the year. Frying hamburgers at the Wrappe farm proved an enjoyable pastime in the fall. In winter a patriotic banquet was given at the Mayfair and in spring the "G. A. T. A. Special" choo-chooed them to Doniphan Lake for the day. Club projects have beautified the campus-the first year it was a bird bath and last year a large number of shrubs and trees were set out. Although a comparatively new club, it has become quite outstanding. Three queens and favorites have come from their number . Blue and white, the G. A. T. A. colors, are displayed prettily in the club jackets which are bright blue wool with the G. A. T. A. diamond-shaped white shield on the sleeves.