I The Internati onal Relations Club is one of the mast beneficial clubs a n the campus for through its efforts many new books have been added to the college library. It also aids in c reat ing an in teres t in the student body rega rding mod - ern hi story and current events. A se r ies o f six chape l ta lks was made by members during the yea r on the various phases of world rela ti onships. Among those that spoke were President John Sands, a nd Vice-President Orvid Mason . Esther Marie Clay was secreta ry for the group. Helping the I. R. C. 's to keep in close contact with the latest happen - ings were the co-sponsors, Professors B. F. Rhodes and E. W. Gibson . Honorary members are President George S. Benson and Edwin Hughes, principal of the high school. FIRST ROW: Joe Whittemore, John Sands, Esther Marie Clay, Ferrel Mason, Ovid Mason. SECOND ROW: Prof. B. F. Rhodes, Paul Kelter , Ed Skidmore, Emmett Smith, Prof. E. W . Gibson .