With by for the largest membership in recent years, forty, and under the baton of Mr . William Laos , the orchestra contributed much to the musical culture of the school . Faithfully, they attended the three weekly rehear - sals and as a result gave praiseworthy performances on all occasions. The first lyceum number was on orchestra concert which carried out a patriotic theme . A program was presented at Searcy High School and one in Chapel. Two short concert tours were taken and in the final lyceum the annual variety show with the girls' glee club was given . Edwin Stover acted as concertmaster and Dale Von Patten was assistant in charge of woodwinds. A string tri<>--Edwin Stover, violinist ; Irl Stalcup, cellist, and Christine Neal, pianist- entertained at banquets, teas, and clubs. Works of Beethoven, Brahms, Haydn , Handel, Mozart, Ponchielli , Schu - be rt, Ippalitow- Iwanow, Tschaikawsky, Wagner, Rimsky-Karsakov and Godard are included in the orchestra's repertoire as well as a few modern compositions . Members a nd instrument s ore as follows: First V iol in : Edwin Stove r, Jane Snow, Ambrose Rea , Mary Catharine Booth ; Second Vi olin : Frances W elch, Bil ly June Forbes, Dole Larsen, M a rilyn Thornton, V ivian Smi th, Dean Lawyer; Vi ola : Dorothy Brown ; Cello, rr l Stolcup; Doub le Boss: Moune lle Bearden, Mary Brawn ; Flute: Herschell Cannel l, Mary Alice Schil le r, Eri n Mae Dennington; Oboe: Ladell Be ll; Cla rine t : Dale Van Pa tten , Esther Ma ri e Cl ay, Ido Mae Sme thers, Dale Tebay; Bass Clarine t : Dan Moore; Alto Saxophone : Esther Belle Brown , Charles Blankenship; Tenor Saxophone: Sarah Be th Brown , Joe Bradsher; French Horn: Anno Lee Sikes; Trumpe t : Wayne Croom, Eve rett Laos, Dol e Norman ; Trombone: Robe rt Genn ings; Euphonium : Clifton Ganus; Tuba : Dick Adams; Drums and Tympani: Jock Croom, To lbe rt Vaughan, Nathan Lomb; Plano: Chri st ine Nea l.