, John Sands Joe Whittemore Bonn ie Sue Chandler Mr . Leonard Kirk Mrs. Florence Jewell Mr . Leon Manley Richard Chandler Margaret Jane Sherrill Bill Warren Jim Lacy Mrs. George S. Benson Bill Daniel Sarah Harder An examination, rather stiff for the beginner, is necessary before a student may become a member of the Equestrian Club. The examination includes the ability to curry, saddle and bridle a horse, knowing the colors and breeds of horses and the five gaits . Twenty points of a horse must be known as well as the names for the sides and which side to mount from . A member must ride at least ten times a quarter. In the spring the club acquired some extra harses and rode out for the day, cooking their dinner in the open . The Equestrian Club subscribes to the " National Horseman " and have in their library several good books on horses and horsemanship; these are owned by the club but placed on reserve in the college library. The officers this year were Dick Chandler, president; John Sands, vicepresident, and Sue Chandler, secretary. Serving as co-sponsors were Professors Leonard Kirk and Leon Manley. The Equestrians were organized in 1939, shortly after the school had purchased several riding horses .