1941-1942 Yearbook

DEDICATION Through four years of study and play at Harding our class has had a genial companion and helper in our sponsor, P,-ofessOI- Leonard Kirk. Truly he has been onc of us in our work and play, our fun and worries . .\Iuch of the vibrance, color, and happiness of these years has been contributed by his vitalizing presence. \Vith him we have freely shared our problems and our dream'> and always he has understood perfectly, lie has not hesitated to praise whct,C praise was due nor to correct where correction was needed. As head of the department of Illusic he combines hard work, alertness, and good musical education with native ability, Under such direction, a third of the student body has engaged actively in music-making both as a ~tudy and a pastime. TIe obtains full co-operation from his singer's because they love him and his music. To them doing something for him i~ a pleasu,-e. Because he is to us a dear friend, we , the senior class , do dedicate the 1942 PETIT JEA to \lr. Leonard Kirk.