1941-1942 Yearbook

The development of a pleas ing voice through cultivati on of good tone quality and understandable diction is primaril y the aim of the Voice Depa rt - ment under th e instruct ion of Mrs. Fl orence Fletcher Jewell. She also seeks to stimulate in her pupils a genuine love of good music and on intelligen t appreciation of mood , structure, and notation of songs . A wide repertoire is attained during the course of study which includes classics, light opera ti c, and the better popular composi ti ons. Throughou t the yea r voca l clinics were held in which all the s tuden t singers participated, each being criticized by the others. A reci tal was presented to the public in late spring. Various students entertained at functions of business and professional clubs in town and were featured soloists with the glee clubs and the chorus. Under the guidance of Mrs . Maxie T. McCullough , Mary Jone Powell, Mrs . Paul Herndon, and Dolene Hebberd studied art privately. All three are advanced s tudents and show promise o f a bright future . In her public school art courses, Mr s. McCullough ins truc ts forty pupils . Margaret Jane Sherrill, Blanche Timmerman , Jim Bill Mclnteer, Christine Neal , Clifton Ganus, Roberto Wolden, Ardath Brown. Mrs. Florence Jewell, Betty Bergner, Era Madge Elli s, Donald Harri son, M rs. Maud Jackson, Charline Foreman, Dorothy O'Neal. Mary Jane Powel l, M rs. Paul Herndon, Dolene Hebberd, Wando Lee Trawick, Arlo Ruth Hill , Bonnie Sue Chandler, Willie Deon Powell.