For several years Harding has been the on ly college in the state to have an organization like the Poetry Club. The main activity of the club is to publish a small volume of original work. Thi s yea r the sixth volume of " HARD ING BOOK OF UNDERGRADUATE VERSE" was comp il ed and dedica ted to Mrs . J. N . Armstrong, head of the speech department . Each yeor a contest is sponsored by the club to encourage writing and the appreciation of poetry. The author of the winning poem is given an invitation to become Q member . This year the organization was fortunate in having two contestants judged os tying . Dennis Allen and Weldon Casey were the winners. As there were only two former members who returned it was by unanimous decision of three tosses of the coin that Virgil Bentley should be presi - dent and Kern Sears, vice-president . Meetings are held regularly on Tuesday nights at which time each member contributes three origina l poems . Mabel Dean McDaniel, Kern Sears, Charline Foreman , Virgil Bentley , Denni s Allen , Jean Overton, We ldon Casey, Mrs . J. N . Armstrong ,