Under the direction ond coaching of Professor Leon Monley two Hard - ing debaters were able to take second place in the senior division of the State Tournament held in Little Rock the fourteenth of March . The debaters were Quentin Gateley and Emmett Smith . The trophy was given to the school to be added to the collection . Gateley and Vice-President Emmett Smith, Gene Hancock and Loui s Tandy, debated two teams from Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tennessee, here in non -decision debates on the lobor question . Other non -decision debates on the labor question and on the Roosevelt - Churchill points were held here against men from Ripon College, Ripon , Wisconsin , Arkansas State, and Abilene . President Orvid Mason and Secre - tory-Treasurer Paul Keller , besides those mentioned and others, took port in these debates . Clinton Rutherford, Keith Colemon, Weldon Cosey, Emmett Smith, Douglass Gunselmon. l ouis Tandy, Quentin Gateley, LoVern Houtz , Dole Larsen, Orvid Mason. Gene Hancock , Paul Keller, Keith Swim, John Croom, Ferrel Mason.