Under the direction of Mrs. O. M. Colem8n the Campus Players produced two Lyceum numbers in th e form of three -oct ploys, "Kempie" and " Post Rood." Other plays of shorter length were given during the course of the year. It is the principle of th e group to try to give to each member at least one three-act role as well as seve ral one-act ones. Training is given in pantomime and impersonation in the club meetings with now and then a stunt night. Leading plays of the yea r are read and reported upon and discussed and discussions and criticisms regarding the productions of the club itself are held. Whenever possible members of the Campus Players attend professional productions in Li ttle Rock . Members of the Alpha Psi Omega ore selec ted from the mombers of th e Campus Players. Jim Bill Mclnteer, President; Keith Swim, Vice-President, and Wando Luttrell , Secretary-Treasurer, were elected office rs for this year. Mrs. Coleman, Sponsor; Clifton Horton, Mabel Groce Turnage, Fayetto Colemon, Keith Swim, Claudia Pruett. Wando Luttrell, Edith Hulett, Jim Bdl Mclnteer, Betty Bergne r, Dorothy O'Neol, Don Harri son. Margaret Jane Sherrill, Coy Porter, Rubye Anderson, Lora Roberts, Leon Huddleston, Arlo Ruth Hill. Ernest Porter , Virginia Stotts, Normondo Webb, Everette Maxwell, Enid Coleman, Ruth Benson.