TH~ON ARTHUR MOOOY VIRGIL BENTLEY Editor-in-Chief Business Manager With Arthur Moody in the editor's choir, Virgil Bentley as business manager, and Prof. Neit B. Cope as faculty advisor, "The Bison" has upheld the high standards established in previous years, at the some time incorporating several changes in style and makeup, "The Bison" acted as host to the A. C. P. A. Meet this year on April 24-25. The annual banquet took place in the home economics dining room with opproximately eighty journalists attending and Charles V. Stansell, associate editor of the Kansas City Star, as the speaker. Mr. Moody acted as secretary of the ossociation this yeor and Prof. Cope continued to hold his position as sponsor which he attained in 1940. Under Prof. Cope's leadership the association inaugurated a publication which appeared twice during the year, contained news of all the assaciation members, and was printed an the Harding College Press. "The Bison" holds a remarkable record in the contes ts sponsored annually by the A. C. P. A. First place as best college weekly was captu red by it in 1937-38 and 1940-41 and second place in 1938-39. MaClyawards for individual attainments have been won every year. S ISON STAFF STANDING: Weldon Cosey, Reporter; Frances Williamson, Reporter; Keith Swim, Reporter; Keith Caleman, Reporter; Dan Healy, Circulation Manager; Prof. N. B. Cope, Faculty Advisor; Virgil Bentley, Business Manager; John Dillingham, Columnist; Clifton Ganus, Columnist; Blondell Webb, Reporter; Thednel Garner, Reporter; Blanche Timmerman, Columnist. SEATED: Jim Bill Mclnteer, Columnist; Arthur Moody, Editor-in-Chief; Jean Overton, Reporter; Louise Nicholas, Columnist; Mac Timmerman, Secretary.