LOUIS GREEN Business Manage r ANN FRENCH Edi t or Producing 0 yeor book is at once a pressmg responsibility, a nerve-toxing lobor, and a humanizing and thoroughly satisfying experience. Sometimes we hove been down on the world because of disappointments but these times have been greatly overbolan:::ed by happy contacts with reliable, talented helpers. Without the co-operation of the faculty and students, a well-rounded annual would, of course, have been impossible. Our admiration for Harding people and their friendly and helpful spirit has been increased by this work . PETIT JEAN STA FF SEATED: Elizabe th Arnold, Bookkeeper and Typist; Ann French, Edi tor; Louis Green, Business Manager; Mrs. E. R. Stapleton, Faculty Advisor. STANDING: Marjorie Meeks, Assistan t Circulation Manager; John Dillingham, Religious Editor; Louise Nicholas, Closs Editor; Frances Williamson, GirlS' Sports Editor; Don Healy, Circulation Manager; Prof. N. B. Cope, Campus Photographer; Kern Sears, Assistant Editor; Ernest Salners, Boys' Sports Editor; Jim Bill Mclnteer, Calendar and Snapshot Editor; Marvolene Chambers, Organization Editor. •