1940-1941 Yearbook

Twelve Different Views of Harding Life J. The pride and JOy of the Cope household. 2. Chapel IS over and classes ore resumed. 3. "Ma" plans the daily bill of fore. 4. Thednel pOld for his Petit Jean with pennies saved from odd change. 5. It would seem that Don has Bill doing a little paying. 6. Why the startled look, Nursie? 7. Unk tries to be a tough character but we know different. 8. The disclosing of the Unomericonism in "100 Per Cent Americon ." 9. Three of our number who were pretty close buddies. 10. And why the distressed look on the foce of our editor. 11 Two eligible yOung belles out for a little exe rcise. 12. The home of the president almost finished externally_ •