1940-1941 Yearbook

1 9 AMY RUTH ERFORD, Lexington, Kentucky "Life. wh(1/ gloriolls eagerness It Is.' WANDA LUTTRELL, BIggers "\\Ie are charmed by neatness of person.' 4 JAMES MAPLE, Cleveland, Konsas "There IS nothlnq hali so sweet in fde As 1000:"'s !lounq dream." 1 RAYLENE THORNTON, Blac kwa t e r, Mi ssou r i "r! lvor/hy woman u.'ho can find. for her price IS far above rubies." HARDING PA INE, Atl anta, Georgia " Mirlh. admil me uf thy crew." MARY BESS LENTZ, Sebas topol, Californ ia "70 thine ownself be Irue. And II musl follow. as the night Ihe day. I hou cansl not then be false /0 any man." CLAY TURN ER, Strawbe rry "Oh. Ihzs learnrng, whar a rhlf1Q II IS.' J UANITA SEI MEARS, Wich ita, Kansas .. AI lisle In ml/ h('(Irl I adon· .. · ERN EST SALN ERS, Alpoena, Michigan "ror sCIence IS like Virtue; Its own exceedlnq qreal reward.' JACK NADEAU, Norman, Oklahoma .. Rl(lhl conduct from habitual life has become mllural." D. C. LAWRENCE , Flomot , Texas "Above our life u}e love a steadfaSi Inemi." MABEL GRACE T URNAGE, Sea rcy "7 he (roublt' IS small, 7 he fun is qrl'(I/.· HOWARD M ::: DON IEL, Ba t esville "Man /s man and masler of his (ale.' LOVA STROUD, Sp ringda le .. I he (loUler o( sweele~t smell IS shy.' EDWARD SKIDMORE, Pa ri s, Texas CAUDELL LANE, Wynne "Work IS the greatest thmg m the world." J hl're(ore we should saVe It (or tomorrow." .. I h('re IS qreat abdlty In knolL'/nq IWl/,,' to conceal one's abtllfy." FRANCES STEWART, At lan ta, Texas "/Jer ways are u)ays o( pleasantness." LAMAR PLUNKETT , Home r, Lou isia na "I am not only WIlly myseli, DOROT HY W EI GART , Ken se tt ·'Pe/II('. and as cule as pelile.· !Jul Ihe cause that UJII /s If1 other men. MADELI NE STONE, Hollis, Ok la homa "Commcmd was service." MAC TIMMERMAN , Port Art hur , Texas " He (('coqruLed God in h,.~ soul (lnd of/ed." JAMES WILL IAMS, Se a rcy .. I he qreatest end of file ,'s not knolL'/edge. hut oClion LOIS W ILSON, Searcy " M errily. mern/" shall I I,ve nOlL'." LE LAND WATERS, A lachua, Flor ida "So much is a man worth as he esteems himself." ROBERTA WALDEN , Neosho, Missou r i "()( such a merry. nimh/I', stirring SplfIl.· SOPHOMOR~S