1940-1941 Yearbook

1 9 GENEV IEVE BLACKBURN, Duncan, Oklahoma "AnYlhtnq for a quiet life,' 4 ESTHER MARIE CLAY, Louisville, Kentucky .. I/onesty needs no d/sqU/sl' nor ornnment.- /)(' plam." WINFRED RICHARDS, Bold Knob .. An aiiahle (mel four/eeus qenr/eman.· 1 IRMA PYLES, Judsonia LOU ISE N I(HOLAS, Strawberry "Crl/{(' U.'(lS In (Ill her steps. heaven /11 }W( ('(Ie.' .. An ounce of mloh is worth C1 pound of sorrow.' JOHN SANDS, EI Dorado "Looh In thy heart lind u)nte,' ALVIS BROWN, Searcy " ill S r('aclL, help was aflL'at;.~ nlqh, MARGUERITE Q'BANION, Swifton "//er sltlte IS like that of th,nqs In the n'qlons u/){H)(' the moon, a/wal/s clear and serene." KERN SEARS, Searcy " /leart to conceIV£', the understandmq /0 dm·ct. (lI7d the hand 10 execule."· BERNARD RYAN, Newark .. From love nor sonq would he dl'IQn depllrt,' CHARLES GEER, Bridgeport, Alabama RUTH EVANS, Searcy .. Fa/reM lind l)eM udornrd is she whose r/orhlllq IS hW11Ihty.' HELEN HOLLAND, Dyess .. Porr rll IS rhe qrundest chMiot whl.'rl'ln hmq-ihouqhts nde." .. An honest man. closl.'-bullonl.'d 10 Ihe chin: Jiwadc/orh lV/lhoul. und a warm heart wilhm." ROBERT REEVES, Rives, Tennessee .. A Chnslllln IS Ihe h,qhesl slyle of mun." MARGARET NAUGHER, Chose, A labama .. A sweet allnlUIUI' hind of qrucl.'." JOHN MASON, Nashv i!le "Swh ,HI..'N'I compulsions doth In musIc Ilr.· NELL O'NEAL, Hugo, Oklohoma WI.' (Ire ail born for louI'. ARTHUR MOODY, New Yo rk, New York " 1/ 1' Grrek und Lulln spe(lhs with grrat/'s l east'. ft IS Ihl' pnnC/.o/l' 0/ eXl~I('Il«(, ur)(1 ItS only rnd.· ROBERT MEREDITH, Thyatira, Mississippi "Oh, /he q(lllanr fisher's Ide .' Ir IS the beSI of any" QUENTIN GATELEY, Searcy "Shyhl not wha/ IS near by mnllng at u.'hu/ IS Far." JUNIORS