1940-1941 Yearbook

1 ELIZABETH ARNOLD, Little Rock "7 hose lrue eyes 9 Too pure and too honest In aught 10 disgUIse /"he su)pel soul shining through them." JACK BAKER, Chattanooga, Tennessee "If music be the food of lovE'. pIt/yon. Give me excess of if'" 4 1 MARVOLENE CHAMBERS, Huntsville, Alabama "Tha! IIwxhaustlbfl' qood-nature. lchich IS Iis/'li the mos/ preCIous gdt of /-/('uL!en." JOHN DILLINGHAM, Nashville, Tennessee .. A man Is neuer so noble (J,~ when hi' r.~ n'r,)erent. LOUIS GREEN, Whiting, Indiana .. A fuu/t/ess bo"l./ and a blameless mind. MILDRED GAINER, Florence, Alabama " Much conl-'erse do I find ,n thee," QUENTIN GATELEY, Searcy "Sltqht not u.'hal IS neUf by mmmg al u)hat is far." ANN FRENCH, DetrOit, Michigan .. Iher.(n.' only truly great u)ho life Irtlll/ qOOll" ANNILE CHAMBERS, Huntsville, Alabama "Sweet and fair she seems 10 be." DON HEALY, Fort Collins, Colorado .. He has a U,)lll/ w/lh Ihe women," HOLLIE GANN, Guin, Alabama "\VI' must lauqh hefore we are happy." MAMIE GILL, Allensville, Kentucky " I must have liberll/." TULON McRIGHT, Red Boy, Alabama .. Knolvledqe hl/ suffering enlere/h," MARGARET LAKATOS, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania "A Sfnse oi dutl/ pursues us ever." MARJORIE MEEKS, Smackover JIM BILLY McINTEER, Franklin, Kentucky " A man he Sl'('ms oi cheerful yeslerdays, and confldenl tomorrows.' BEATR ICE DODSON, Columbia, Tennessee "/ am sure care's an ('m'ml/ to life," "Sit/! 10 he neal. still la be dressed. KATHLEEN JOHNSTON BOYD, New York, New York "CitN me to illN !L'lIh 101..'e alone." WILLELLA KNAPPLE, Waldenburgh "Liff's a puddlf)g full of plumbs. Care's a ranker that benumbs," ESTEL McCLUGGAGE, Derby, Kansas " !-Ie !L'as a scholar , and a npe and 'load one." JUNIORS