1940-1941 Yearbook

Odd Shots of Seniors From the pleased look, Reba just passed test Mac olso appeors happy over something Is that a Sears Catologue you hove there, Spra t ? Is that pole for fishing or for protection, Doyle? Opaline doesn't appeor too pleased over the con t en t s of tha t le tte r Dinkey flashes a cheery smi le at someone Miss Lyn ch goes bock for more rein fo rcemen ts. The journalism closs must hove been dull for Bill Is Jock working in the Inn now, Myrene? Connie is olmost always smiling like thi s A very in terest ing article A truly cho roc ter istlC pose, before Get down from there, It might break We were sorry to sec James leave . Thi s will prove that we wo rk ed a little bit Even ofter married life begins, there IS some need of recreation.