1940-1941 Yearbook

I ntramurals Offer A Variety of Sports 1. Doyle and Olive take in the trock and field events. 2. Helen Moe and Jane \/s. Frances and Iris. It was a good game. (lifton teaches John to take It on the chin. 4. Woiting for Cupid, Cliff? 5. Don and Uncle Virgil talk things over. Why the shades, Don? 6. Gorman and Jennings stort the freshman. Junior game with a leop. 7. Ye aIde swimming hole. B. Bill's powerful forehand smosh in action. 9. Hugh lays one dOwn while Buff and Ex look cn. 10. Frances serves on ace. 11. The tennis fiends start early (mid-February). They worked up a sweat, too. 12. Morvolene refuses to be aced.