1940-1941 Yearbook

High Point Winners Pac ing the other boys throughout the year, the five high point winners demons trated their ability to maintain the ir places at the top of the li s t . Each was on various winning teams, all-star teams, and was always capable when the competition became toughes t . All fought to the finish and rightl y deserved the reward of a jacket . Poin ts were di s tributed as follows: Greenway 57, Ganus 55, Spencer 49, Sme the rs 48, Berryhill 45. Johnnie Greenway Clift on Ganus Don Spencer Wayne Sme thers Ex Berryhill Hugh Rhodes, a Harding graduate of 1940, became the athletic direc tor las t fall in the absence of M. E. Berryhill . Under Rhodes' direction, the intramural program was carried aut very successfully, with the student body showing an increased interest in athletic activities. More students took on active port in the intramurals, and competition was keen in both boys' a nd girl s' divisions for the honor of being among the fifteen high point winners. Although he was faced with various problems, Rhodes proved to be a good leader and was well liked by the s tudent body. He ca rried on a lively program, and some form of athletic activity was being conducted at all times during th e year, from softball in the fall, to swimming at the end of the winter te rm.