1940-1941 Yearbook

"Near the foothills of the Ozarks Midst of hill and plain" ?1. LONELY GRAVE and a legend dim with the dust of years are all that tell 0; the romance and the sorrow thai surrounded the (ife of Cheves. and of the sorrow that shrouded Adrienne. It was not an ordinary parting when he hissed her. Though he planned to return. he neuer again satV the waves breah on the shores of France. Adrienne. half fearing that her plan would fall. tooh the part of the cabin boy on the ship with Cheves. Disguised and under the name of Jean she sailed with him (0 America. \Vinding their way up swollen rivers they al last anchored at (he foot of a moun ~ lain soft with trees. The Indians were friendly and Ihe ship swung at anchor I hrough I he warm days of summer. As the summer is the lime for happiness. autumn is the lime {or sorrow: PCllt Jean died. In her last few hours she called for Cheves and once again bccarnr Adrienne. The Indians dug her grave. And still they say her spirit haunts the mountain in the wind. or rides the swirling water at its foot. The mountain where she lies nOtV bears her name PETIT JEAN