1940-1941 Yearbook

J . N. ARMSTRONG Head of Bible Department Daily Bible Classes One of the distinctive fea tures of Harding is its emphasis on the Bi ble and its inspiration . Every s tude nt is requ ired to toke a Bible cour se each term, while many choose religi ous classes for their elective work . Courses are offe red in almost every phase of religiou s study, including hom ileti cs, Christian evidences, church hi s to ry, and direct s tudies from the Bible. Beginning as freshmen , each student is enrolled in Brother Armstrong's or Brother Benson 's closs in Matthew. He passes f rom th e re to Acts and Hebrews before completing the freshman year. The sophomores study, under Brother S. A. Bell, the Pentateuch , the Hebrew Noti on , and Inter-Bi bli cal Hi s tory. Advanced COurses in Bible and religi on ore taught by Brother B. F. Rhodes, Brother Batsell Baxter, Brother Benson and Mrs. J. N. Arms trong . The purpose of the Bible Deportment at Harding is not to produce preachers primarily, but to inspire a deeper reverence for the word of God, and to sti mulate personal s tudy and appl ica tion of Bible truths. No attempt is mode to enforce opinions, but all classes ore open to discussions of any religious question. The men who compose the Bible Deportment ore men whose lives have been spent in Christian Education, and whose experiences and yea rs of s tudy have qualified th em for the work in which they are engaged. Brother Boxter's Class in Acts Brother Armstrong's Freshman Bible Class